

Adventures of Steve the Smartphone n00b – Nokia Lumia 800 day 1 first impressions

| November 24, 2011 | 1 Comment



After a little over 24 hours, we checked in again on Steve our smartphone n00b who has moved up from a regular mobile phone to the Nokia Lumia 800 smartphone.

We got some of this thoughts in a quick chat and will be following him again in about a weeks time after he’s had some proper use of it. (Apologies for the appalling camera work. I’m such a DLSR n00b myself, unable to work within the 50mm 1.4 frame. I didn’t want to record again as I just wanted a quick first impression)

He likes the speed of the Lumia 800, the fact there’s no lag anywhere. Steve’s also been playing with the Voice control a lot to open apps, as well as to start calling or texting people. He said the initial set up was a breeze and as we told you before, he managed to set up BT contacts transfer so was very happy in not having to add his numbers manually like he’s always been doing. I wish I had that on my Omnia7.

He’s set up the Calendar from Uni with ease just by subscribing from Live. He did that much quicker than I did with GMAIL. Steve’s even managed to find some really good apps, a few of which I hadn’t heard of yet and I’ll be reviewing them in future. He’s very pleased with the look of the 800 as well as its GPS performance, noting how Maps was able to lock faster than his actual GPS (I think that’s an inherent Nokia thing). He’s also downloaded the entire UK maps on his own too so that I guess was a pretty simple enough task.

I should have asked him on camera what he thought of stuff like the phone’s design, the screen etc. I know other people commenting on it have said its just stunning, particularly the curved glass of the display and off camera he’s said it’s beautiful.

He doesn’t like however the bundled headphones, preferring his own. He also is worried about data usage, having never used a phone and now uses a phone that syncs calendar/contacts/facebook/his office work (oh he was really impressed with that too – one note with all his Uni work instantly on his phone). Lastly the keyboard. Fortunately he’s actually been finding the virtual keyboard quite good despite it being used to physical keys. Apps that he wasn’t keen on he was able to just uninstall that quickly with long press. No fuss going to some kind of app manager. However he does not that the animation is not as smooth as the iPhone. Other than that, very positive so far.

If you look at the first image where voice texting is in action….as for that massive spider?

Only joking. It was only half that size.



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Category: Nokia, Video, Windows Phone

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Hey, thanks for reading my post. My name is Jay and I'm a medical student at the University of Manchester. When I can, I blog here at and tweet now and again @jaymontano. We also have a twitter and facebook accounts @mynokiablog and Check out the tips, guides and rules for commenting >>click<< Contact us at tips(@) or email me directly on jay[at]