

Gigantic Nokia Lumia 800 from 550 Nokia Lumias (or Nokia N9s?)

| December 2, 2011 | 0 Comments

Some more cool goings on at Hong Kong for Nokia Lumia Launch. Here’s a giant Nokia Lumia 800 (Pink) made up of several Lumia 800s and some 710s(600).

Very awesome stuff. They’ve even got lumia like Rubik cube.

Hold on a second there. What’s up with the back? That’s not where the flash should be. N9 LED is above camera (when held in landscape). Are these Nokia N9s? Possibly they could be Nokia Lumia 800 in N9 cases (so they can make this design without having to have precise numbers of certain colours – just their cases).

If these are N9s, well that’s one thing to do with the initial N9 stock in HK.

Update: Good eye from R4lph, the white phone is not a Lumia either. It’s a discontinued Nokia 600.


Source: via wpcentral

Cheers for the tip, Ricky.


Category: Lumia, Nokia, Windows Phone

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