

Nokia Lumia 900 Render? She’s looking sexy!

| December 15, 2011 | 0 Comments

Above is a render, pretty realistic, that was sent to WMPoweruser of what they reckon is the Nokia Lumia 900.

You can’t really tell much about its size except that the keys are lower down.

Here’s my MS Paint job from the last time we heard news that the 900 looked like the 800, pretty crappy just to illustrate a “bigger” 800 that the 900 would be. Some did ask if that was real though. No. And it won’t be at this proportion either.

You’ll note the kinda glossy metallic RED finish on the 9xx. I thought we’d be sticking to Nokia’s primaries of Black, Cyan, Magenta (and later white?).

She makes me think of lightning in skies

(Lumia) She’s sexy!


Source:  WMPoweruser

Cheers Zymo, Viipottaja  for the tip!


Category: Lumia, Nokia, Windows Phone

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