

No more Ovi Suite? Ovi Suite updates itself to Nokia Suite.

| December 22, 2011 | 9 Replies


I’ve had the old Nokia Ovi Suite on my PC for a while. I thought it had already done this but apparently not. Anyway, today though Ovi Suite asked to be updated and it now no longer exists on my computer as it is now Nokia Suite.

It looks great, very phone friendly, simple but yet very capable (check out that diagnostic info and tools portion).  This is part of the cleaner, back to Nokia experience with more Nokia blue everywhere.

If you haven’t updated already and are still using Ovi Suite, go update now.

PC Suite to Ovi Suite to Nokia Suite.  I’m really liking the unified message now of just Nokia brand everywhere.

It’s better laid out that Zune for PC imo. That thing needs to ditch the zune player and go full out on just being support for the phone.



Category: Applications, Nokia

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