

Recap – did we just see the Nokia Lumia 900/Nokia Ace?? Bigger screen and front cam.

| December 23, 2011 | 0 Comments


Erm the post about pictures of the new Lumia 800 colours via MonWindowsPhone. Our readers have noticed that the buttons are differently spaced, plus there seems to be a front facing camera.

Hulkkii posted the image where the colours have been slightly adjusted. Look how far down the keys are, and subsequently how much lower down the screen is whilst also closer to the top (thus a bigger screen if phone is similar size, slightly bigger).

Oh dunno if Dave (Senior Training Consultant for Nokia Academy and all around cool guy) is just joshing but he tweeted. lol.  If there’s anyone who has seen them I’d line up Dave to be definitely in the know and training others with the 900. He could just be joking around. Nokia folk often like to tease.


Category: Lumia, Nokia, Windows Phone

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