

Lumiappaday #38: Morfo demoed on the Nokia Lumia 800

| December 24, 2011 | 2 Replies

Here’s an awsome, yet slightly creepy, but still awesome and a crowd impressing app, Morfo. It takes any photo/image and it can turn it into a 3D face, which it can then manipulate later to make it fat/have make up/rock to music and speak to a recording.

Very simple to use, and straight forward to align the face. Most of the time, if you get the face outline right, everything else is done, but the level that you can tweak things is great, from sizes of eyes, angle of eyes, mouth, elevation of nostrils etc. And it’s all really easy to use. This would of course be categorized as a ‘fun’ app so for those who keep badgering me only to post productive things, well, look away.

p.s. I thought this would be one of my bigger reviews (along with the other upcoming Xbox Live titles that I’ve been using) but as revision time for exam depletes, I want to make sure these great apps get shared rather than never.

#38 ) Morfo 

Price: £1.49



Developer Blurb:

Use Morfo to quickly turn a photo of your friend’s face into a talking, dancing, crazy 3D character! Once captured, you can make your friend speak in a silly voice, disco dance, wear makeup, sport a pair of huge green cat eyes, suddenly gain 300lbs, and more. Morfo also comes with six fun, ready-made characters that you can play with right away. Feeling creative? You can try Morfo on people, pets, or just about any object you can think of. Ever wonder what your cat might look like six times heavier and wearing, say, clown makeup? Morfo can show you! Now want to see him rocking out to crazy speed metal? Done!

  • Unleash your diabolical imagination on those photos.
  • Morfo is simple, fun and flexible. You can:
  • Turn friends, pets or objects into fun, life-like 3D characters.
  • Play with or modify any of 6 ready-made characters.
  • Make your friends say anything you want in a silly voice.
  • Apply embarrassing makeup schemes to their faces.
  • Make faces appear Super Fat with the click of a single, evil button.
  • Wave a magic wand and watch your friend become goofy-eyed with amazement.
  • Make faces rock out to crazy speed metal, disco, or just about any song on your phone.
  • And of course, save Screen Shots, so you can email your handiwork to your real-world friends later.________________________



Design: 10

Great looking app, creates awesome looking 3D faces. It’s amazing to see the plain 2D picture become a 3D head, that blinks, moves its mouth, looks around, changes facial expressions/moves eyebrows. Pretty cool stuff.

Usability: 9


Soo easy to use. The only niggle maybe the chin which is sometimes too pointy. You do have to make sure the photo is dead straight, preferable not smiling at first and showing no teeth otherwise you will get some creepier looking results.

All faces you make are automatically saved. You can take a screenshot of them later. It would be nice to perhaps be able to record some video (especially since you can record a sample of your voice and their mouth will move to that)

In the video I think I tried editing colours. You really don’t need to do that for skin tones, I never did until the demo.

Performance: 9


Takes a while to start, no multitasking so you have to reload, otherwise quick and stable. Works as advertised.

I find it odd that the default voice is quite high and feminine only so if your pic is male, then they still have a feminine voice.

Price: £1.49

One of the first apps I bought, it was on a try before you buy and I was so impressed I bought it. It’s always a good talking piece, and great to show off Windows Phone (especially when I first had it).


Fantastic fun app. One of the first things I had to get back on my lumia when moving to Windows Phone.


Category: Applications, Lumiappaday, Nokia, Windows Phone

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Hey, thanks for reading my post. My name is Jay and I'm a medical student at the University of Manchester. When I can, I blog here at and tweet now and again @jaymontano. We also have a twitter and facebook accounts @mynokiablog and Check out the tips, guides and rules for commenting >>click<< Contact us at tips(@) or email me directly on jay[at]