

Symbian still the top mobile OS for 2011 says Stat Counter?

| December 29, 2011 | 0 Comments

Some details from Statcounter shows Symbian to still be the top mobile OS in 2011 as reported by webpronews.

According to their stats, Symbian started at 30% at the beginning of the year, but it rocketed to 33.58% in June. This dipped in October to 29% but went back up to 33.63%. I’m not sure precisely what these are percentages of, I’m guessing total users as opposed to sales.

Nokia’s had a major change of strategy away from a Symbian focus, and also had a pretty poor portfolio compared to the competition – with both of those going against it, it is indeed remarkable to be as strong as statcounter suggests.

Source: webpronews

Cheers Zymo for the tip.


Category: Nokia, Symbian

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