

Old, New, Borrowed, Blue. Maemo and Nokia, marriage made in heaven. #N9 #N900.

| January 12, 2012 | 0 Comments



Old, New, Borrowed, Blue. Marriages made in heaven.  Both devices at their launch signifying to the world that Nokia CAN do software AND hardware. Was looking everywhere for my N900 earlier. Found it later in the drawer that I had checked at least 5 times :S.

Since I’m still up. Presenting: An old device, borrowing something new and blue. 🙂

All this time I was saying the N9 design kinda looked like an iPhone with a case (if you look flat on not seeing the tapered edges and just assume all rectangles with curved corners are an iPhone). All this time it was a Nokia N900 in a case :p

MicroB and Swipe. Gimme it pleease 😀 (Ha there was a three paragraph long rant about missing Maemo. I can’t stop myself from reminiscing about the epicness of the N900. Oh well, deleted that, I’ve saved you from it this time around :p)

Look at them, the legends of multitasking.

Best browser, most hackable, the most daring, best multitasking, great new Nokia interface. Maemo 5. If only we didn't stumble *cough*intel*cough*

Yes, yes, I know it’s 4am. I drank too much coffee to get through yesterday’s scheduled revision :(.



1) Old, New, Borrowed, Blue is a wedding reference. Hence Marriage.

2) Why I like N900/Maemo 5? For those who weren’t lucky enough to use one. Clicky for you.



Category: Maemo, Nokia

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