Old, New, Borrowed, Blue. Maemo and Nokia, marriage made in heaven. #N9 #N900.
Old, New, Borrowed, Blue. Marriages made in heaven. Â Both devices at their launch signifying to the world that Nokia CAN do software AND hardware. Was looking everywhere for my N900 earlier. Found it later in the drawer that I had checked at least 5 times :S.
Since I’m still up. Presenting: An old device, borrowing something new and blue.
All this time I was saying the N9 design kinda looked like an iPhone with a case (if you look flat on not seeing the tapered edges and just assume all rectangles with curved corners are an iPhone). All this time it was a Nokia N900 in a case :p
MicroB and Swipe. Gimme it pleease (Ha there was a three paragraph long rant about missing Maemo. I can’t stop myself from reminiscing about the epicness of the N900. Oh well, deleted that, I’ve saved you from it this time around :p)
Look at them, the legends of multitasking.

Best browser, most hackable, the most daring, best multitasking, great new Nokia interface. Maemo 5. If only we didn't stumble *cough*intel*cough*
Yes, yes, I know it’s 4am. I drank too much coffee to get through yesterday’s scheduled revision :(.
1) Old, New, Borrowed, Blue is a wedding reference. Hence Marriage.
2) Why I like N900/Maemo 5? For those who weren’t lucky enough to use one. Clicky for you.
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