

(Video) Android Apps for Windows 8 with BlueStack

| January 15, 2012 | 6 Replies

Apps. No matter how good your OS might be, some will bluntly ignore it if to them it lacks apps. Whilst Windows 8 PCs and tablets on Intel’s chips can use the plethora of Windows software, compatibility with ARM is lacking.

RIM’s playbook tried to dodge the app thing by being able to use Android apps (though it lacked in many other ways). Nokia N9 was said to have a leveller with Alien Dalvik to also get Android on MeeGo-Harmattan (Maemo 6) but nothing yet has happened there.

Whilst that might be great for Windows 8 in the short term, what about the long term? With Nokia’s future closely tied with WP7 and possibly the future of W8, we should be concerned that developers might prefer to just create Android apps altogether. Well at least hopefully Windows 8 apps should be able to integrate into the platform better. I know Nokia’s not got the best relationship with Intel right now but I would prefer perhaps wider app compatibility of legacy software by having an Intel based Nokia transformer tablet thing.

Video by 

This is a best of CES 2012 winner in Software (by CNET)

More info with Forbes

Here’s a demo on Windows 7 (Italian)


Sources: forbes and cnet

Cheers MyNokiaLife for the tip!




Category: Nokia, Windows

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