

Skype coming to Windows Phone Mango soon? H1 2012?

| January 16, 2012 | 12 Replies

The original post was just going to be information that Skype was coming ‘soon’ to Windows Phone, as noted by the Skype VP Products. Now that info is out, Paul  Thurott of Winsupersite claims it’s scheduled for “first half 2012”.  I saw a post by Scobleizer somewhere saying it’s coming to Mango phones, right after he starting crying about apps and how everything sucks without them (words to that effect). Skype will come in two flavours, as an app and later integrated in Apollo. If we’re just waiting for an app, why the hell isn’t it out right now for Windows Phone? You know, the platform you own, Microsoft.

Paul notes that while the Skype VP video is getting a lot of traction, it’s apparently not new info. Whilst Paul says he can’t say why it’s delayed, apparently Microsoft are planning something from a marketing perspective from some time.

Seriously, the only marketing perspective anyone should think of is, “If I were Apple, what tiny thing should I exploit and make it seem like the most important thing in the world?”

It is interesting to note that Skype integration isn’t just Windows Phone. It will be EVERYTHING that Microsoft owns. Xbox, Office, MSN, Windows, Hotmail. Facebook already has a lot of Skype built in features.

You know, when you take your time and come late to the party, you have to come out with something big. It’s easier said than done and neither Nokia nor MS have properly done this yet with WP or Lumia. Almost, but no where near enough where they should be.

Source: Winsupersite

Cheers Viipottaja for the tip!


Category: Applications, Nokia, Windows Phone

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