

Lumiappaday #66: Clown College demoed on the Nokia Lumia 800

| January 20, 2012 | 0 Comments

Clown College is a fun little app where you have to get your clown into a barrel by strategically cutting the ropey things he’s hanging from. The levels become progressively harder as you go along. It’s simple but fun and looks nice.

(BTW exams ending just over a week so I can get around to N9 apps too)

#66)  Clown College

Price: Free





Developer Blurb:

Clowning Around: Clown College takes you through the first chapter of our clowns’ performance, allowing you a special viewing absolutely free! The game contains the first 15 levels from Clowning Around, as well as the timed mode for the first chapter, so you can continue to gain new highscores over and over again!

With a variety of novelty contraptions and toys, can you help the clowns with their act and get each and every one of them soaked by dunking them in a barrel of freezing cold water! Brrr!

Now get out there and let’s pull off the show of a lifetime.


V1.1 – Bug fixes

V1.2 – More bug fixes


Design: 8

Usability: 9

Performance: 10

Price: 10



Category: Applications, Lumiappaday, MeeGo, Nokia, Windows Phone

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