

Rumours: N8 successor with nHD screen? Low end with ‘Swipe UI’ + tablet friendly Nokia UI.

| January 20, 2012 | 0 Comments


Resident Nokia Insider, dsmobile has been chatting again and has some interesting hints.

First it seems that the N8 successor might still as some noted be nHD. 640X360 in 2012? WVGA was pushing it, and I already found it odd coming from WVGA on the N900 back to nHD. Especially since the new standard for 2012 appears to be 720p (to which Nokia will not reach at all until Apollo lifts the resolution limitation).

No-fragmentation means that No 720p displays to Windows phones. They are stuck in 800×480 as Nokia is stuck with Symbian to nHD.

Apps just don’t scale nicely to high-resolution and this is main reason why new camera phone might actually still be nHD and not same resolution as Nokia N9


He mentions seeing ‘swipe UI’ type thing on low end, though not technically swipe UI just the three homescreens.

To make classic type of phones like Nokia touch and type or E6 type of phones. Resolution is not the biggest issue you need to design the layout as well.

WP UI is too complicated to work in different size of screens and to be usable for user.

best thing in Swipe UI is that it gives total freedom to app maker what kinda button layout they make and it also free the space from top and bottom 100% to application.

I really looking forward to see Nokia E6 type of phone with Swipe UI.

I have seen some “swipe ui” low end phones but they aren’t really swipe ui as only swipe feature is copy of “3 home screens”. UI has back/home button.

Some interesting concepts seen inside Nokia (lol, I wonder who he is? What if dsmobile is actually Marko Ahtisaari).

Apparently there’s a Nokia UI layout that would work  across both tablets and small screen phones. Interesting.

Well I Have seen some design concepts inside Nokia that has UI layout that will work in all form-factors from tablets to smallest screen phones.

Only thing that changes is what you can see on the screen with out scrolling. Tablet you can see a lot at ones and small phone it will limit that and you need to scroll up/down to see everything what you see in tablet with out scrolling.

But that only fixes the OS UI. Solution for apps I haven’t seen in that design but it’s possible to make a guideline for apps that will carry the same idea about the UI design.

I need to say that concept really did look really really nice. It was some type of Cloud base OS concept but I was only interested about the UI as it is best I have seen so far with tablets/phones.


N8 successor , is nHD screen ok with you?


Category: Nokia

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