

Nokia Store QML client updated for Symbian at Nokia Beta Labs.

| January 25, 2012 | 5 Replies

Nokia users can get a preview of the v3.22.044 update for the Nokia Store Client. You will need to sign in with your Nokia Account. This is mainly a bug fix update but also apparently has the next generation of in-app purchasing of QML apps.

Update 25.01.2012 – Version 3.22.044 (download now)

This release includes fixes for bugs found since the previous one and is now based on Qt 4.7.4 and Qt quick components 1.1

Feature-wise, this release offers the next generation of in-app purchase based on QML.  This feature is available through applications that support in-app purchase.

Cheers SLAYER for the tip!


Category: Applications, Nokia, Symbian

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