

My Dream Nokia #40: Nokia Touch and Type True with Symbian Belle, Portrait QWERTY slider concept.

| January 27, 2012 | 0 Comments


We got sent this a few days ago but I missed it due to the mountain of revision I was under (I missed a lot of the emailed tips, soz guys).

My Dream Nokia #40 is by reader, FireDragon. It’s quite a classy design, no? And quite amazing since it’s from the C2-06 range though now with a centre button only. Just goes to show the effort in design put in to even the cheaper series.

It sports Symbian Belle (first MDN in a while with Symbian) and a QWERTY portrait slide out keyboard.

Here’s what FireDragon said:

What all I want is:

  • a full gorgeous screen to enjoy my movies or games
  • to display images or photos to clients or friends
  • to do a manageable productive internet browsing
  • a camera that I could at least scan a business card with readable contents
  • a beautiful well-designed device
  • and above of all to type very very fast as accurate as I could type.

And I want that handset to slip into my pocket and it disappears, not to mention an economical handset if possible.

With trusted portrait qwerty keyboard layout (although I wanted to have cursor keys in the keyboard too, hence optical trackpad has been added) under the large screen (compare to Asha 303 or E72/E6-type) user can enjoy both side of modern mobility.

What is wrong with landscape slider? I found them annoying and disturbing especially during meetings or during traveling when one cannot use both hands to type (ie standing in bus or train) or simply holding a bag in a hand while you have to type in a message or email. Point to be note that I am not saying that landscape slider are a total waste, I like them but on-screen landscapes are almost as good as physical with the price of extra but manageable typos. 

Currently I have no option other than having two different devices, which I cannot always keep with me while I am out so my on-the-go productivity rate is not as good as it should be, or how it used to be only a couple of years ago using Sony Ericsson P1i.

My concept is based on above criteria, staying in reality and without breaking any records in specs. This should be a practical device for serious freelancer or showbiz business type users.

If you have some new Nokia design concepts you want to share, email tips(at) with the subject “My Dream Nokia”.

Here’s our other 39 MDN:


Category: Concept, Dream Nokia, Nokia, Symbian

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Hey, thanks for reading my post. My name is Jay and I'm a medical student at the University of Manchester. When I can, I blog here at and tweet now and again @jaymontano. We also have a twitter and facebook accounts @mynokiablog and Check out the tips, guides and rules for commenting >>click<< Contact us at tips(@) or email me directly on jay[at]