

WP7 apps compatible with WP8 says Brandon Watson.

| January 30, 2012 | 19 Replies


I don’t want to or like posting about ElMu as he does post a lot of his opinions/wishes as facts. One of them was that WP7 apps will be totally incompatible with the new WP8. A lot of the blogosphere likes to reiterate what he says as fact (92,000 N9 only yet obviously there’s more than that) and any time he is shown wrong it’s forgotten. A lot of the time, things he does get right are things that are public knowledge already and then he has the audacity to be proud and say he’s glad his predictions are correct. I don’t mind so much that he’s overly negative to Nokia. What I do mind is that he poses as an independent person with no agenda.

Brandon Watson, responsible for Apps and Development on Windows Phone tweeted ElMu that any app built today will run on the next windows phone version. That’s quite clear (though not giving too much on the name of what that next version will be).

Rewatch Mix11 keynote. We were pretty clear on this. Any app built today will run on next major Windows Phone version.

Source: wmpoweruser

Cheers Viipottaja for the tip!


Category: Nokia, Windows Phone

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