

Video: T-Mobile Lumia 710 Unboxing

| January 31, 2012 | 0 Comments


Hello MNB readers!

Adding to our Nokia Lumia coverage is my very first Unboxing video (ever) of the Lumia 710. The video itself isn’t anything special and was quickly put together but what is special is the value that the Lumia 710 provides, the build quality and access to content. There are some of us that still wish that Nokia would have chosen a different path to success but if we are honest with ourselves, the Lumia line has done more to re-establish the Nokia brand in a POSITIVE light and put Nokia phones into the hands of consumers recently than any other Nokia strategy/OS in recent memory.

It takes positive steps to reach a positive conclusion. I see people’s perception going from “Ewww, Nokia…don’t they make throwaway prepaid phones!?!?!?” To “Wait…that’s a Nokia! Wow, I didn’t know they made modern smartphones” Nokia needs those that would NOT buy a Symbian, Meego, Maemo device to buy a Nokia device and that is what is happening. As a long time Nokia fan, I am all in for Nokia’s success, no matter what “engine” powers Nokia’s smartphone car. WP7 Technical limitations (HDMI, OTG, SD access)? Yes, but that is why I still have my N8…and N900….and C7…..and 5230…wait…why do I still have the 5230..?

Note on the video: Yes, I dropped the phone! :P  Gorilla Glass is slippery man!

YouTube Link:

I hope that you enjoy the unboxing video!


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Category: Nokia, Video, Windows Phone

About the Author ()

Good day everyone! My name is Demitrius Harris and I am a fan of all things true. I currently hold a position in the IT Department at a college and I teach various classes when the opportunity presents itself. In the past, I was a Special Education Teacher and a Technology Education teacher at an elementary school and have held titles in the Financial industry. What does that mean for you, our dear readers? It means that I love to write and communicate as accurately as possible! It is my hope, that I will always be able to provide factual information concerning all things related to Nokia (even when the Nokia brand isn't printed) and anything else in the scope of technology that fits within the purpose of MyNokiaBlog. I humbly thank you all for reading my posts (and the MNB Team) that sometimes contain THOUSANDS of words. You all are the best and most respectful blog supporters in the world! Thank you for choosing! Sincerely, Demitrius Harris. Favorite phone of all time: Nokia N82 - Black