

Video: Series 40 web apps technical how to: Animation from Nokia Developer (+Nokia SDK 1.1 for Java)

| February 16, 2012 | 0 Comments


Another Nokia How to video/webcast. This time for S40 and creating animations. It is, as the title says, quite technical.


Andrew Knight from the Nokia development team shares technical tips on creating animation for the Series 40 platform. Using the Nokia web tools development environment, Andrew gives you a quick and informative look at the map-based application possibilities available to you when developing for Nokia Series 40 phones, including the new Asha range. Learn more here:


Also whilst we’re talking Nokia Asha/S40 stuff, let’s look at the Nokia SDK 1.1 for Java

Mike Arvela, Lead Developer at Futurice, provides an overview of the Nokia SDK 1.1 for Java. The SDK offers an emulator based on the Nokia Asha 303, and provides you with features to take full advantage of in-app purchasing. In addition to rich touch UIs, Mike covers the new testing features offered by the SDK, such as the ability to set simulated battery level and preview video in landscape mode.

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Category: Nokia, Video

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