

Update for Nokia Social?

| February 23, 2012 | 24 Replies

I saw AAS tweet yesterday about an update to Nokia Social. Lo and behold, yes it was there. Just go to software updater, click the ‘play’ button and it will download and install. You will need to restart the phone first though.

You know how much I’ve been ranting about Nokia Social in the past and well… It is still needs a lot of work. Scrolling stutters and freezes, it will randomly say a contact was linked to your friends to which there seems to be no way of escaping it.

In the next update to Nokia Social, perhaps it could uninstall itself from the phone and recommend free twitter/facebook alternatives. Or at least rename itself as the AntiSocial app.

Update: Seems leaving Nokia Social fix itself for an hour sorts it out. Why, why, why do I even need to do that, why can’t it work properly at once? Maybe it is just me, I seem to have an unlucky time with Nokia social on any S^3 handset.


Category: Applications, Nokia, Symbian

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