

Video: Nokia 808 PureView – Zoom and zoom again – Zoom in and enhance!

| February 27, 2012 | 0 Comments


Remember the post earlier today looking at untouched photos from the Nokia 808 PureView? We played around with some zooming and cropping and they looked


Below is a little Nokia promo to show that off. I think Nokia needs to do more. More fun zooming campaigns where you think you see something, but then there’s so much more to be seen with the pureview.


I remember playing with my friend’s Panasonic GD-87 in class and when the teacher asked me what I was doing, I joked that I was using the camera so I could see the blackboard better (zomg, showing my age, Panasonic phone and a blackboard :p). Now with something like the 808 you can truly snap a picture, zoom and enhance to see detail you would not see with your naked eyes.

The zooming is a nice fluid slide zoom. No actual slider, just a gesture. BTW, do you think it would be good to have additional digital zoom? Not lossless, but one that goes beyond 4X in video? Technically it could go so much further. BTW, in nHD mode you can do up to 12x lossless zooming. I think 720p should be about the minimum?

Via N8FB fan page


Category: Nokia, Symbian, Video

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