

Accessories: Colourful Nokia Portable Charger sticks, Nokia DC-16

| February 28, 2012 | 0 Comments


More cool Nokia accessories!

This is the Nokia Universal Portable USB Charger DC-16. Basically it’s a pocket portable charger. I’ve got some from other manufacturers (before Nokia began making their own) and they’re so useful! If you know you’ll be using your phone heavily for a long period of time and that might be quite away from a charging source, then something like this would come in handy. e.g. travelling or video recording for long extended amounts etc.

The Nokia Unversal Portable USB Charger DC-16 (Oh Nokia, why no memorable name) is an unconventional design, it’s like a stick of dynamite or a big long battery.

It comes in Nokia’s usual four bright colours, blue, pink, black, and white and comes with it’s own short microUSB cable that matches the colour of the battery pack. Thank goodness it looks like a thick cable as often, they might come in a weak retractable cable that breaks should you look at it the wrong way.

I might show you my other portable chargers tomorrow to see what they’re like. Quite important is the amount of charge it holds – for something of this size, Nokia has managed to pack 2200mAh. They say that’s enough for 2 cycles (though most likely will depend if your phone has zero charge, what’s being used etc).

  • 23.3 mm x 23.3 mm x 120 mm
  • 75g
  • LED charging status indicatorPower indicator key
  • Fast charging with 950 mA output < quite high for a tiny device.
  • Up to 3 months standby time with up to 75% capacity

Here’s a video of it.


Thanks Sym^3 for the tip


Category: Accessories, Nokia

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