

Accessories: Colourful Nokia USB Cables, A-190CD

| February 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

OK, just after the last post, I saw more Nokia accessories.

I’m not sure if these are new but they are new to me. You can see that the Nokia USB cables (Standard black) now come in all Nokia colours – blue, pink, white (and black). There’s something else that looks like it’s one of those retractable cables but it’s a cable tidy, I think, for rolling the cable around? I thought the last pic was the wall plug attachment but no, that’s the cable when it’s completely tidy.

As a long time Nokia customer, an odd thing I’ve noticed is the gradual improvement of their USB cable styles. They just look and perform nicer and the most recent one from N9/800 work with my USB portable charger (which I’ll demo tomorrow) . They’re certainly nicer than other USB cables I’ve had from other manufacturers.


Category: Accessories, Nokia

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