Q&A with Damien Dinning on the Nokia 808 PureView (+Photos)
I know that Jay already posted the Verges Q&A with Damien but I might as well finish what I had started at the hotel before the crap WiFI cut-off:
Since this is my first Q&A I’m not sure how to do this so I’ll go ahead and just put them in points/bulletins.
- The 808 was based on the idea of proper optical zoom without any loss of camera abilities due to Digital Zoom (also as mentioned in the keynote it was inspired by satellite imaging)
- Using a smaller MP view on the camera enables you to get better precision of the captured image
- 808 charges by MICRO Usb and not the 2MM pin (only other port is Mini-HDMI)
- When designing the 808 they focused on three main things Sensor, Precision optics and how the insane amount of MP were handled
End the megapixel race by placing a crazy amount of pixels (the 5mp shots are the best) 41 is for the press and consumers (meaning that they wanted to put an end to the insanity of the MP count so they thought this would shut them up.
- The 808 also has Nokia Rich Audio recording which can record up to 140 decibels (about the noise of a jumbo jet engine during take-off)
- 1.3GHZ processor
- Â Video can be shot at 1080P (24/25/30 fps)- (according to Damien image quality is 10X greater than SLR sensors)
- 4x LOSS-LESS Optical zoom, No digital zoom crap
- the 808 images can be saved in JPG format (Damien was highly against this but he finally succumbed to the pressure)
- The 808 supports HDR mode (called Bracketing in the settings)
- Keeping the screen lock slider pulled down for 5 seconds activates the LED flash for use as a torch
- 808 has both a Xenon flash and  LED light for video capture – the Xenon flash is double the range/intensity of the N8s Xenon flash
- the phone will be available in only 3 colors at first (white, red and black) they haven’t decided whether or not they will add more later.
- Phone comes with basic headset and a wrist-strap (no cover or tripod)
- The speaker placement (same as the N8) was the only plausible option as speakers need air space inside the device to amplify sound- and the camera bump is where most air is available.
- FFC on the 808 is normal VGA; but has been tweaked to give better results
- FFC is only accessible through calls (Skype and Video calls) so you can’t check your make-up in it.
- Runs Belle Feature Pack 1- really smooth (new multitasking view and some cooler stuff; will put up a video tomorrow-hopefully)
About Pure View:
- Pure View is the NAME OF THE LINE and will be available in more phones to come (line of high range camera phones)
- Probably coming to Windows Phones (question was dodged)
- Pureview does not require a minimum amount of MP/sensor size (can work with even 5MP sensors)
- The Pureview actually combines the best pixels rather than picking a single best pixel
- Symbian was chosen as the base for Pureview because development started over 5 years ago (when Symbian was the main platform)
- NEW CAMERA SOUNDS! (Damien was REALLY excited about them)
And Now pictures, we all love them:

Finally the big@$$ sensor on the 808- guess which one it is (the rest are conventional phone lenses)
BTW most of these images were taken with the 808 (but compressed for uploading purposes)
and for the record only about 10 bloggers have 808s right now; not even engadget or the verge got any.. Nokia WIN
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