

Videos: Nokia N9 PR1.2 demoes

| February 28, 2012 | 18 Replies


Here are some Nokia N9 PR1.2 demoes that a tipper shared with us and it takes a look at changes in the browser, new folders and gallery. This update was available to some yesterday but some folks are still waiting. You can read some feedback by our readers on N9 PR1.2 here:  

There’s a very interesting discussion on the update process and how folks have found the PR1.2 new features.

Not sure where the official PR1.2 changelog is, but this is from N9 developer page for n950.

Changes since Harmattan 1.1 release

  • New languages
    • Persian
    • Hebrew
    • Kazakh
    • Thai
    • Vietnamese
  • Software update notifications for content in Nokia Store
  • Face recognition for gallery and face tags for Facebook
  • Support for folders in the application view
  • Mail for Exchange global address book lookup
  • Mail thread support in the Email client
  • Extended copy-paste support
  • Media sharing with DLNA compatible devices
  • Improved browser history view
  • Compass support in Maps
  • QtWebKit update to version 2.2
  • New font taken into use
  • Front camera support
  • Video editing support in the Gallery application
There are other improvements noted that you can read about in the link above.


Videos by 

Cheers Kishore for the tip!





Category: Maemo, MeeGo, Nokia, Video

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