

N9Hacks: Nokia N9 Inception tool?

| March 6, 2012 | 0 Comments


Apparently something called an inception tool is available on the N9 reports GSM Arena, via source link below:

What does it mean?

This problem is one of the past: INCEPTION allows you to assume direct control and liberate your Nokia N9’s full potential.


  • Easy. INCEPTION allows you to open up your N9 in less than five minutes, with no need for a PC.
  • Safe. INCEPTION makes no major changes to your N9 on its own – it merely unlocks the door so that you can use your own discretion. INCEPTION can be uninstalled at any time with no side effects.
  • Effective. With INCEPTION, the only limits on what you can do with your N9 are your own. INCEPTION turns the N9 into what could be the most powerful and open handheld device on the market.

INCEPTION makes the following possible:

  • Direct customization of N9 system packages, many of which are open-source but couldn’t be replaced previously
  • Installation of new kernel modules that add advanced functionality to the system, paving the way for applications such as VPN clients, USB host mode, or a more sophisticated Wi‑Fi hotspot program
  • Mounting any filesystem, including those built with FUSE – such as sshfs or TrueCrypt
  • Complete disablement of Aegis, for users that want the N9 to function more like a traditional Linux desktop
  • Community-provided upgrades to the operating system, much like the Nokia N900’s Community SSU project
Cheers pyler for the tip!

Category: Maemo, MeeGo, N9 Hacks, Nokia

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