

Nokia 808 PureView, landslide victory for Best Phone MWC – PhoneArena

| March 9, 2012 | 34 Replies

On Saturday we asked you to vote for the Nokia 808 PureView (along with many other sites/fan pages). Note, votes were already showing Nokia 808 ahead anyway. Nokia fans just made that a little bit more of a certainty. It’s not like the Nokia 808 didn’t deserve it.

Clearly Nokia fans weren’t the only ones thinking the Nokia 808 Deserved an award as it won MWC’s best in show.

The Nokia 808 PureView brought something REVOLUTIONARY to MWC, where people go “wait, what?!!” due to the unexpected brilliance. Even more so when they actually understood the effort that went in and that everything done in the 808 actually matters for providing the best image/video/sound quality which Nokia can actually prove in sample videos, photos and audio recording.  67.96%, 2772 votes!

There were more votes for the Nokia 808 than the other nominees combined,

You picked the Nokia 808 PureView as the best phone at MWC 2012. With some 68% of your votes, it was a landslide victory for the Symbian-powered device bringing a mind-boggling 41-megapixel camera with PureView imaging technology for stunning images.

I know some doubters wonder why it is that we like sending Nokia fans to vote for Nokia. My answer is why the bloody hell not? And of course it is not because we are being paid by Nokia (thank you for always insinuating such a thing, but no, it’s just part of our usual Nokia obsession to talk and shout and sing and scream Nokia :p )

It might not do very much but it helps, if little by little, in public perception (even if online). It’s all about building on these many little victories. Force people to pay attention to Nokias, get Nokia phones the attention they damn well deserve.  To at least be mentioned, and make people consider and think and be aware these great Nokia phone exist.

I love seeing the solidarity in Nokia fans and amongst the Nokia community. Well done guys!

Source: phonearena

Cheers Thatsme for the tip!


Category: Nokia

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Hey, thanks for reading my post. My name is Jay and I'm a medical student at the University of Manchester. When I can, I blog here at and tweet now and again @jaymontano. We also have a twitter and facebook accounts @mynokiablog and Check out the tips, guides and rules for commenting >>click<< Contact us at tips(@) or email me directly on jay[at]