

Video: Nokia N8 – Ants Feasting on Fly Larvae

| March 16, 2012 | 4 Replies


This might be a little gruesome but it’s another piece by   who has shown us some of the best clips from the Nokia N8.  This is shot with a Vivitar Macro lens, but it is important to note that although there is an addition,  the picture is good because of the ability of the N8 to capture all that raw detail, crisp colours and fluid movement. Sticking the same lens on a piece of crap will by no means give you video as nice as topolino70 has shown.

Furthermore, he says he prefers this combination to his 600D. Well, me too. I hate close up videos on my 60D. Lack of continuous AF totally kills it. Apparently though with Belle, the CAF became a problem so normal automatic mode was used.

I can’t wait to see what he shows us with the Nokia 808 PureView.

Spring is coming again and our cellar is infested with the little ants – again. This time I gave the ants Fly Larvae to eat. First the ants seemed not to understand what to do with them. Little by little they understood and the feast began. (Some my think I must be crazy to feed them so that they come inside even more. I feed them at the cellar that they don’t come upstairs to look for a food and I don’t want to kill them – I want to shoot them….with my N8.)

I cannot stop to admire the ants for their skills, wit and co-operations. For example, if you look my video close enough, you’ll see how ants hold on to each others legs to combine their strenght and to tame the larvae. At one point an ant used dust string as a rope to hold larva still. I believe that if ants were about size of the mouse, they would conquer the world. Fortunately they are so small.

Video shot with Nokia N8 again using Vivitar Ser-VII macro lens in front of N8. My N8 has Belle software installed. I tried to use new Belle SW:s close up video mode but as the continuous focus pumped back and forth I had to use the normal automatic video mode.

I bought Canon 600d camera last autumn and also tried to shoot macro video with that. I have to say that as far as ant macro shooting is concerned, I prefer N8 with the Vivitar lens because N8 has deeper depth of focus compared to the DOF I was able to get with Canon 600D with acceptable ISO settings and aperture.




Category: Nokia, Symbian

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