

Nokia Lumia Everywhere on The Sun

| March 18, 2012 | 0 Comments

That’s the UK tabloid ‘news’paper, The Sun.  It has a huge base of readers which saw 7 ads on the Saturday edition.

Not bad.

Just yesterday in fact, I was picking up some Mother’s Day stuff (it’s today in the UK, but I believe a different date everywhere else) and noticed quite pleasantly, 4 Nokia Lumia 800 users whilst waiting in line in a queue. Perhaps there would have been more but I hate shopping and went home as soon as I got what I needed. It was a nice change from the usual iPhone.

These ads which are prominent everywhere increase the awareness and desirability for Nokia’s product. Not too much to be annoying and on point enough and clear enough to convey the message Nokia wants to make readers find the adverts appealing. When ever I’m looking to get some tech that I’m not familiar with, I instinctively have preference for the products which have more adverts or more users talk about (and then of course, research others, but I doubt general public would be doing that).

Does it look cool? Does it look desirable? Does it do a lot of the key important things people are looking for in a smartphone? Well, that might be more than enough reason for others to buy it. It doesn’t matter if there are other similar products – what matters are the products they are aware and considering include a Nokia.

Source: CoolSmartphone via WMPU

Cheers Viipottaja for the tip!


Category: Nokia, Windows Phone

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