

The Nano SIM Fuss between Apple and Nokia

| March 27, 2012 | 72 Replies

There’s a story going around that you might have heard – the Nokia/Apple nanoSIM debacle. Both proposing new nanoSIM designs.

When we first heard of it, no one knew exactly what it was that each was actually proposing, so it was difficult to side with one or the other (but by default of course, being Nokia fans, there’s not much imagination needed).

Now TheVerge have some info now regarding the nanoSIMS.

From what I gather, Apple has a nanoSIM, that  is basically a microSIM with all the plastic stripped off, but then it would need a sim tray to actually be used.  Their nano sim is 12mm long, which is the same length as a microSIM. Nokia contends that it might be possible to accidentally jam that nanoSIM into a microSIM slot. The benefit of Apple’s MicroSIM is that supposedly you can then put your nano SIM into either micro or standard SIM. Why go through the fuss of nano SIM only to need a tray to use it?

Nokia’s new design however, won’t need a sim tray. It would just be held in place at the slot. Nokia are apparently in a group with RIM and Motorola to fight back the over reaching fruity arm.

If the purpose is to make more room, why go for the Apple one that is larger?

How much thickness does the conventional SIM actually add to the device? Is it even worth all this hassle of new SIM designs? Am I missing something? Since Tim Cook has been on stage, we’ve gotten a new iProduct that’s heavier and thicker than the previous generation – very un iLike. I’m sure if Apple wanted to, they could waft that reality distortion field again to make the world used to phones of usable thickness, instead of getting caught up in wafer thin phones. Or should we just keep miniaturising as long as we can? After nano SIM? Pico femto atto zepto yocto?

Perhaps we shouldn’t have a SIM. No not CDMA. Let’s transfer our information some other way. Biometrics? I read something about the end of Privacy in the UK with aims of new laws to track and trace everything you do. Well, maybe whilst they’re checking who we are, they could also use that to confirm our ownerships of our mobile phones? :p. Maybe let me log in to my phone via facebook (or something else) and calls/data/text can then be accessed by that device. Meh, I don’t know. I’m going to bed soon. I have a train to catch in a few hours.

Oh – what about that Nokia tattoo thing? Only, it’s not just a tattoo. It’s your life SIM. With NFC. You tap the tattoo/chip thing to activate your phone. No SIM needed in the actual phone.

Source: TheVerge

Cheers DKM for the tip.

DKM also left this comment on how he thinks Nokia’s nano sim backward compatibility might work.


Category: Nokia

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