

Video: Nokia Lumia 900 vs iPhone 4S

| March 27, 2012 | 0 Comments



Here’s a really good video comparing the Nokia Lumia 900 against the iPhone 4S.

  • Check out single core performance vs iPhone’s dual core.
  • Also note that since WP, iPhone now has quick camera shortcut as well as a misplaced screen bounce (the purpose of that in Windows Phone is to indicate you can swipe the screen up. This seems to be a failed copy that has no purpose for iOS other than it looks good on WP we’ll take it).
  • Only one tiny mistake. The camera start up test. Just hold it on Windows Phone. No need to touch the screen. In the test the iPhone’s screen was turned on and THEN the test began. You can start up the phone in your pocket and by the time you bring it out, it’s ready.
  • Finds the front camera to be superior
  • Display wise, Lumia 900 not the crispest but he does like the bigger size and that the blacks are blacks and the colours pop out.
  • Only phone on the market on par (build wise) with iPhone. Phone like Galaxy S2, Focus Flash, Focus S feel plasticky and flimsy. Lumia 900 feels amazing in the hand.
  • If you’ve been waiting to try out WP, this is the phone to get.
  • A steal at 99 bucks
  • If you’re looking for the same smooth experience on a different platform (the interactive tiles he finds to be beautiful) this is a great alternative.
  • Both great devices for different audiences
  • Speed test outside of WiFi, for AT&T, as pointed out in the video, the Lumia would be faster having 4G LTE.
  • Not much in it loading up mobile version of sites (considering the lumia is single core and iPhone 4S Safari is one of the fastest mobile browsers)
  • Even pulling up the desktop version on lumia vs mobile on iPhone, the difference in speed appears negligible. BTW, settings for the browser is actually in the browser app itself. No need to go into the main settings, though if that’s how your train of thought works, you can also find it there.



Considering how fast the iPhone 4S is and that the Lumia 900 is pretty much the same single core Lumia 800 inside (as seen in Q4 2011 – albeit different package) it’s not bad performance at all. Quite impressive actually. Imagine if WP actually had dual core.

Cheers Viipottaja for the tip!


Category: Lumia, Nokia, Windows Phone

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