N8 Demolishes HTC One-X In Camera Shoot-out
Steve Litchfield of AllAboutSymbian is at it again; this time pitting the war battered Dinosaur (in smartphone terms 2010 was eons ago) against the spanking brad-new-not-even-in-stores-yet-OneX; I’ll save you the suspense guys, the N8 killed it! To think that people were comparing the OneX to the Pureview goodness of the 808 is just blasphemy after seeing what the N8 did to it.
Here are just a  couple samples; head on over to Allaboutsymbian for the full review-
Here’s a random Fastfood diners sign- take a look at what the sign looks like under full zoom
I’ll let you guys guess which of the full zooms on the text is the N8’s (Hint it’s the one doesn’t look like little bands of pixels going on a  picnic)
Just one more, a picture of a nice flower:
Zoom-And Inhance:
At 100% the N8 still looks pretty good (not going to call it superb) but look at the details on that spider/bug inside the flower, quite impressive-not pureview quality; but compared to what shows of it on the ONE X?- I got goosebumps thinking what that image zoomed in would like on the 808.. (BTW N8 is the top crop)
Source Thanks to DKM for the tip.
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