

Video: Nokia Developer Projects: Multi-platform OpenGL ES game (iOS to N9/N8/Qt and WP)

| April 4, 2012 | 13 Replies

This video from NokiaDevForum shows a game from iOS ported to Qt (Nokia N9/N8) and Windows Phone. However in the video, you can’t see a Windows Phone (it is available at Marketplace).

Match’em Poker is a Nokia showcase example application that demonstrates an efficient way to implement a sprite-based 2D game using custom animations with Open GL ES 2.0.

This project studies porting of an OpenGL ES game from iOS to the Qt platform using Qt GameEnabler with minimal efforts, and similar porting to Windows Phone/XNA as well.

The Match’em Poker game is a ‘match 3’ type game where you can switch the cards on a grid to form different poker hands in any direction. Fill the score meter to advance to the next level. The score meter drops continuously with time. If it reaches zero, the game is over.

This example is hosted in a Nokia Developer Projects,, where you can find implementation and porting notes, discover recent revisions, and contribute to the project.

For more Nokia Developer example apps, visit:

Thanks AmmAR for the tip!


Category: Nokia

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