

Videos: Nokia Lumia 900 vs iPhone 4S

| April 8, 2012 | 45 Replies


Here’s the new Nokia Lumia 900 vs the iPhone 4S. The latter is undoubtedly the phone of the moment. It’s a genuinely decent device (for its target market) regardless of how useless some people say it is – though equally, it isn’t the miracle maker some make it out to be either. (Note, if we do make fun, it’s just of the iZealots. The phone itself is rather good).

Whilst the Lumia 900 is only just recently available, its insides are pretty much identical to the 800 that launched in October (with possibly some software tweaks for improved performance as well as the bigger screen, LTE, front facing camera)

Anyway, thoughts from the video:

  • Feels nice in the hand
  • feels solid, it doesn’t feel creaky, does not feel like garbage not thin and ‘cheap like the samsung series’
  • Screen is fantastic
  • Very, very nice colour reproduction
  • Very, very friendly to use
  • Smooth scrolling
  • Nice quick app launches
  • Screen is nice, like the colour, like the brightness, but screen resolution vs iPhone, the Lumia 900 is lacking (800×480 vs 960 vs 640) – not the same calibre as iPhone display
  • 900 is cheaper (‘so you have to weigh that in your comparison’)
  • Camera wise ‘the same as the iPhone’
  • ‘Definitely something that is new to the world’
  • It’s worth checking out
  • Hardware beautiful, software is good

by  << is this the official video or a reupload?

Whilst looking around to check, here are other comparisons to check out.

Very, very fair comparison. You can see that this device is holding its own against the iPhone 4S.




Category: Nokia, Windows Phone

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