

Video: CJ’s look at Belle FP1 on Nokia 701

| April 12, 2012 | 31 Replies

There weren’t many videos going around for Belle FP1 and so far the only one we found was somewhat blurry.

Well, here’s CJ to the rescue bringing you some clear 720p HD Belle FP1 love

Unfortunately I cannot provide my own pics of the update like last time because I only have a N8 (and that one’s broke).

CJ says:

  • Everything is smoother and faster – just a shame it’s so late in the stage
  • Apps opening quicker
  • Takes a toll on battery life
  • Pull down notifications tweaked
  • No internet for CJ to check browser :p

Cheers @ClintonJeff (YouTube name …he was the 6th member of One Direction) from (previously ZOMGitsCJ) for the tip!


Category: Nokia, Symbian, Video

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