

Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak Lining up to buy Nokia Lumia 900?

| April 13, 2012 | 54 Replies

What’s this about? Co Founder of Apple, Steve Wozniak seems to be looking to buy a Nokia Lumia 900 too! Well he’s checking for availability, ‘wasting time’ eating breakfast waiting for AT&T store to open.

Whilst a prominent figure in the Apple world, Wozniak has been previously seen with handsets of competitors and actually complimenting them. We hope perhaps the same thing goes for the Lumia 900. Now will he go for black or blue?  Hopefully there will be stock as reports are going around that they’re out of stock at various AT&T stores. It would also be funny if we hear an unknown AT&T rep still trying to push an iPhone despite the 900 being their current ‘flagship’.!/stevewoz/status/190840798017884160

Cheers Janimatik for the tip!


Category: Nokia

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