

Lumiappaday #168: Orbital demoed on the Nokia Lumia 800 XboxLive

| May 1, 2012 | 6 Replies

#168) Orbital 

Price:  £2.29



Developer Blurb:


Orbital is the addicting and challenging puzzle game to spend every free minute on. Three thrilling game modes combined with an absolutely addicting gameplay will grant you the ultimate challenge. Test your skill and ability to survive as long as possible and reach for rank one on the leader board! Because in this one-thumb experience you’ll have but one target: Destroy as many orbs as possible and shoot yourself into the Orbital Olympus. Get your hands on this puzzle game and you will never want to miss it again.

Shoot the orbs onto the playing field and watch them grow until they hit an obstacle and use the following orbs to destroy it. Hit every orb three times until it bursts into space and grants you one point to your highscore. Destroy as many orbs as you can but beware: The space on the playing field is limited so think hard about where you put the next one!

Three game modes will challenge you with addictive gameplay. Just play your game and try to destroy as many orbs in Pure mode, or get your orbs distracted by a gravitation field around them in Gravity mode. Your shots will be distracted by gravitation so be careful when you target! The Supernova mode will allow you to perform awesome combos when your orbs damage the surrounding ones with a shock wave as they burst into space.

But it’s not only about reaching the highest score! Fulfill the special tasks to unlock Achievements or try to get on top of the Xbox LIVE Leader board.


Design: 8

Usability: 7

Performance:  9

Price: 8


Category: Applications, Nokia, Video, Windows Phone, XboxLive

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