

Mooaar videoos: Nokia 808 PureView at CTIA

| May 9, 2012 | 11 Replies


The more videos we see of the Nokia 808 PureView the more it shows off that it can take photos time and time and time again that will blow your mind. They’re not just one offs, they’re not just one good photo from a batch of crap, they’re always amazing.

In the first video, PureView mode is compared with full res. The zooming in to reveal detail you would never expects never fails to impress.



I don’t like how the guy demoing differentiates PureView and Full resolution as the full resolution making use of the full sensor. Both PureView and Full res uses full resolution of the sensor. It’s a shame that Nokia doesn’t seem to have trained these guys too consistently. It’s not rocket science.

It is sooo frustrating that the guy doesn’t seem to know how to use the phone at all. He shows his frustration on camera going ‘come on…oh stop it’ :/ WTF. Then he goes on to say ‘as you can tell, I don’t use this phone all that often’. Who on earth is this guy? He does eventually zoom in on a face showing a moustache’s individual hairs.


I think same as the first video, but different angle. I don’t like the whole ‘same symbian experience – good stuff’. I’ve been very critical of Symbian but even I must point out it’s not the same Symbian. Belle FP1 is a really good improvement.


CTIA is in New Orleans, USA. Why have the 808 PureView in USA? Perhaps to showcase Nokia technologies or as Chris Weber said, it’s coming to the USA.



Category: Nokia, Symbian

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