

Video: Amazing Nokia Lumia TVC feat. Kris Aquino – Nokia Pilipinas

| May 9, 2012 | 0 Comments

Here you go. A better Lumia advert from Nokia Philippines compared to the other one we saw very early this morning. Well, I think so anyway.

This is Kris Aquino. ‘iLuvn’ who posted this link said:

‘They’ve got the most sought after endorser Kris Aquino.  Now they must be serious.  If they can do a widespread endorsement of this degree over Asia Pacific they might get more traction in the second half.’

Kris Aquino is a TV host, actress and celebrity in the Philippines. She’s in various shows, including a Philippine version of Britain’s Got Talent, Pilipinas Got Talent. Her brother is the President of the Philippines.

I like that, not only is there someone prominent (and hence someone to pay attention to) but that they’re showing things to do with the phone, things it’s doing well, with close up of the UI and the phone design.

The simulated screens could have been done by someone other than a preschooler though.


Cheers iluvn  for the tip

Her complexion looks kinda odd in this video. Almost like Geisha make up. Is the skin-whitening fad still popular in the Philippines? Every time I go there, there’s adverts for skin whitening. And then over here in the UK it’s about tanning and going darker :/


Category: Nokia, Video, Windows Phone

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