

Video: Smoked by Nokia Lumia Challenge feat. KC Montero -_- zzz +Rant/Suggestion

| May 9, 2012 | 38 Replies

Seems Nokia really wants to drag this smoked by Lumia/WP thing out. As I’ve expressed before, I am already very tired of this campaign – it was fun at first but it’s boring now and the smugness makes me cringe. However, Lumia is new to Philippines so I guess they’re being ‘treated’  to the smoked challenges too.

Nokia, Why don’t you smoke your own phones? It’s annoying just seeing phones from competitors, or iPhone after iPhone. Why in a Nokia promo should I see less of the Nokia?!

Why not smoke one of your own smartphones. Perhaps one from last year’s model so it doesn’t greatly deface that phone. At the very least it would show progression.

I wish Nokia would just focus on the phone. Spend the time showing people some cool redeeming things about Lumia without the need to ever mention the competition.  Show more of the screen, more of the phone, more Nokia specific things. Show me people enjoying using the phone, using it in real life to get something done.

E.G. to demonstrate that Lumia does things quickly, why not have a guy who’s in a rush do certain actions super quick on the Lumia – put some catchy slogan at the end about “quick, simple, no fuss”. It’s a true statement, it’s one consumers can appreciate without having to put down other people’s phones.


On future note, when promoting the Nokia 808 PureView, focus on how it’s just the best camera phone ever. No need to talk about cameras on other smartphones. The simple truth that the pictures are the most phenomenal quality, most extreme in detail. Offer these nuggets of selling points in the adverts. If the consumer wants the most phenomenal, most extreme in detail etc, they know what to go for. There is absolutely ZERO reason to even dare contemplate mentioning cameras from competitors. It just gets messy.





Category: Nokia

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Hey, thanks for reading my post. My name is Jay and I'm a medical student at the University of Manchester. When I can, I blog here at and tweet now and again @jaymontano. We also have a twitter and facebook accounts @mynokiablog and Check out the tips, guides and rules for commenting >>click<< Contact us at tips(@) or email me directly on jay[at]