

Lumiappaday #180: PAC-MAN demoed on the Nokia Lumia 800 XBoxLive

| May 13, 2012 | 0 Comments

This game needs no introduction. It’s PAC-MAN! The game is controlled by a virtual joystick at the bottom. This  has all the effects and sounds of classic PAC-MAN (unlike the clone versions).

At £3.99 it’s hard to recommend for a bit of Nostalgia. It is still as ever, fun to play. As usual, there’s a trial so you can give it a go.

#180) PAC-MAN

Price:  £3.99



Developer Blurb:


PAC-MAN, the world famous arcade classic, returns in this faithful rendition for Windows Phone 7!

Who can forget the countless hours and quarters spent avoiding pesky ghosts while chompin’ on dots and gobbling up the fruit for bonus points? Relive the retro arcade action!

Control PAC-MAN using the standard flick-to-change-directions method, or try out the virtual-analog “PAC-PAD” method, new for Windows Phone 7.

Munch fruits and other items for big points! Gobble blinking Power Pellets to turn the ghosts blue and weaken them temporarily. Eat the ghosts while they are blue and rack up the bonus points!

Gain an extra life at 10,000 points! Avoid capture by Blinky, the leader of the ghosts, and his fellow ghosts Pinky, Inky and Clyde, each with unique personalities, as you strive to chomp all the dots and advance to the next stage!


Design: 8

Usability: 8

Performance: 8

Price: 3


Category: Applications, Lumiappaday, Nokia, Windows Phone, XboxLive

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