

Lumiappaday #189: Running Dude demoed on the Nokia Lumia 800

| May 22, 2012 | 4 Replies

Let me start by saying this is a great game that you’re going to need to try out! If you liked Dalton that we demoed on the N9, this is like that.

This is quite simply, a running game called Running Dude. The principle is simple – just run and jump. But it’s really addictive. It has it’s own sense of quirky style with some interesting power ups in the game, such as robots to jump into, rocket packs, ones that shake your environment or flip it 180 and superman. That’s just what I came across whilst demoing it.

It’s a must have at just £0.79 and there’s a free version.



#189) Running Dude 

Price:  £0.79 or Free

Link (Paid):

Link (Free):


Developer Blurb:


A challenging run ‘n’ jump game with twisted effects that will make your mind boggle. Download the free version to try it out!

A unique retro style
Enemies to avoid or kill
Jetpack power-up
Mind boggling effects
Live tile featuring top high score

New in v1.3
New graphics added
New gameplay mode – Stage, perfect for the beginner!

New in v1.2
Global leaderboard – tap the key button to create a username and password!
New powerup – SUPERDUDE!
Fixed mech falling through the floor bug!

New in v1.1
Several bug fixes
Added a new Mech power-up

Coming soon:
Social network integration
More twists and turns, weapons, enemies


Design: 9

Usability: 10

Performance: 10 

Price: 10


Category: Applications, Lumiappaday, Nokia, Windows Phone

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Hey, thanks for reading my post. My name is Jay and I'm a medical student at the University of Manchester. When I can, I blog here at and tweet now and again @jaymontano. We also have a twitter and facebook accounts @mynokiablog and Check out the tips, guides and rules for commenting >>click<< Contact us at tips(@) or email me directly on jay[at]