

Weekend Read: BBC iPlayer App for Lumia in coming weeks?

| May 27, 2012 | 4 Replies

The Inquirer reports that an official BBC iPlayer app will appear for WP in the coming weeks. This was info from Nokia saying it will appear on Lumia. Whether it will appear on other WP is another thing. If BBC are bringing it because of Nokia’s effort then I don’t see a problem with it being another Lumia exclusive. There are tons of stuff that would never have appeared on WP without Nokia. But BBC may have its own policies about device restriction based on manufacturer (as opposed to OS).

 Nokia has now informed The Inquirer that the BBC iPlayer will be coming to Lumia owners in the coming weeks.

BBC iPlayer is a catchup service in the UK allowing Brits to watch either pre-recorded shows and even live ones. I loved watching it on my N900 until BBC iPlayer kept updating and flash on N900 didn’t keep up and that stopped working. It is somewhat working with Flash on N9 though it’s not always smooth or in sync. Oddly higher end Androids have a dedicated mobile flash site where BBC iPlayer runs quite smoothly. As for iPhone – I haven’t used BBC iPlayer on that.

On that note, that suggests there’s ways for BBC iPlayer to work without flash. This reminds me – my N97 had the BBC iPlayer app and it could download the video and then play it with the inbuilt media player. I don’t recall if it could also stream. I’m sure the flash-lite in the browser itself wasn’t up to it so it might have been through the media player.

Source: theinquirer via  wpcentral


Category: Applications, Lumia, Nokia, Windows Phone

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