

Lumiappaday #196: Turbo Camera demoed on the Nokia Lumia 800

| May 29, 2012 | 6 Replies

We got recommended to try this app called ‘Turbo Camera’ an app for burst shots. Now Nokia’s officially bringing this and many other camera improvements with an official app that integrates straight into the main camera but until then, this is a nice option.

As well as taking pics at 30FPS+ (basically a video with individual frames, no) you can then turn these pictures into an animated .gif file. I didn’t know you could do that, i only read that now in the developer blurb.

You can initiate burst by touching the screen or pressing the camera button. Holding the camera button takes a sequence of photos, letting go stops. You can save all the shots, remove them all or save/remove one by one – each of which can be reviewed quite simply.

Sequence mode can be enhanced by changing the interval between photos. This would be useful for taking time lapse as well as adding a different style to your .gif. by reducing the frame rate down.

I guess I didn’t demo this too well – I thought this was just burst mode.

#196) Turbo Camera 

Price:  £1.49/£1.99



Developer Blurb:


Turbo camera is the fastest burst camera App on the Marketplace.
Just keep down the phone camera button to start taking lightning fast consecutive pictures, at over 30 fps !!!


Faster than the iPhone 4S with the fastest camera app on the AppleStore (with a II generation WP).


New in 1.7
– create animated gif videos from pictures!
– backup your video to SkyDrive and send via email
– fix on thumbs export

Perfect for group photos, self-portraits, capturing live action of kids and pets, and even time-lapses captures.

There are no ads, complicated menus, or a barrage of useless features.

Save your best photos directly to the native camera roll for easy sharing, so you don’t have to manage multiple libraries.


GROUP PHOTOS MADE EASY: turn on the timer, jump in and review multiple shots and choose only the best ones.

FRONT CAMERA SUPPORT: switch from rear to front camera.

CONSERVE VALUABLE MEMORY: save only the pictures you want to the phone camera roll for easy and native sharing.

NEVER MISS A MOMENT: start shooting as soon as the App opens.

CONTROL THE SPEED: slow down Turbo Camera with the built in delays, perfect for time elapse photo sequences.
>> VIDEO LIBRARY: create gif animated videos strarting from your favourites photos. SkyDrive backup and send by email supported.
– focus and focus-on-click
– preview pictures and save favourites to camera roll
– fast image browser with ‘play’ mode

– select photo capture interval between none and 60 seconds.

– start capturing when App opens or after an interval at your choice.

– direct email address contacts to request support or new features.


Design: 7

Usability: 8

Performance: 8

Price: 8


Category: Applications, Lumiappaday, Nokia, Windows Phone

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