

Video: Nokia 808 PureView Tips (Xenon Flash)

| June 8, 2012 | 14 Replies


Nokia are doing another series of camera tips (like they did with N8, all of which still apply now btw if you fancy digging that up) for the Nokia 808 PureView.

This first one is about Xenon Flash, although it says in the video and description that it’s about Bokeh (selectively in focus shots with nice blurred out of focus areas).

Xenon flash is great for lighting up people in extreme low light situations, providing extra bit of light if snapping people too against the sun and as shown in the video, freezing moments in time. Couple that with the huge sensor and PureView mode – it makes for excellent extreme low light people photos. N8 and N82 both have this too and that’s why even to this day, N82 is still a very excellent pocket camera, N8 more so and well 808 is just indulgence. Unlike the previous two, the 808 also has LED for video.

The Xenon bulb in the 808 is super bright. LED flashes are a joke in comparison, and even some of the other attempts of other manufacturers to squeeze in xenon. With more light from the xenon flash, a faster shutter speed can be used. Try LED vs Xenon on a water drop or an electric fan or a friend jumping. Notice the motion freeze, little or no blur with the xenon.  N82, N8 and 808 are brilliant for nights out. Not just because of the camera performance but also the convenience of not having to carry a phone AND pocket camera.

There are times however when 808 photos look much nicer without the xenon flash. The auto mode for the flash is smart enough most of the time to distinguish when it needs it or not.



Category: Nokia, Symbian, Video

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