

Rumours: MS Looked into buying Nokia but walked away; Nokia didn’t want to sell anyway!

| June 11, 2012 | 34 Replies

I read this post earlier today but I waited around to see if it would be picked up elsewhere and what they’re reaction would be.

The take everyone is getting is that Microsoft looked into buying Nokia but walked away. via slashgear

No one seems to want to reiterate the point however that Nokia wasn’t looking to sell anyway.  

 Nokia didn’t want to sell, and Microsoft didn’t want to buy

So good on that front. Nokia does not want to sell, MS does not want to buy, and according to some resent denials, Samsung doesn’t want Nokia either.

Does it look sad that no one wants to buy Nokia? No not really. Now everyone can go about again on their merry way again until the next set of rumours. Any bets on how many days/weeks before the next ‘will MS buy Nokia’ again? :/.

The sneaky undertone are suggestions that MS should still go and buy Nokia anyway, when Nokia is much cheaper after letting it bleed more. :/ Indeed I’m oversimplifying things but it’s probably better all around if Microsoft did their darnedest to get them and Nokia out of this pickle now. Make sure Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8 is successful for all their partners. MS’s aim should be to get to the point where they can drop Nokia because WP is strong enough on its own, and likewise Nokia is strong enough that it doesn’t need MS’s help for their WP line of products. If they are trying to be sneaky and purposefully letting Nokia fail just to make them cheaper in a few years, well, they’re just closing the window of opportunity for themselves. If MS want Nokia that much, well they can have advance tickets to iOS/Androids hurrah party to the death of Microsoft and Nokia.

So how are we to look at things? The Register thinks that Nokia’s come back can’t be judged until we’re into the second cycle later this year, possibly even Apollo. For those who cry about moving goalposts, suck back those tears. We’ve been pretty consistent on looking out for Q3 2012 results too. If Nokia’s WP8/W8 devices suck then, well, adiós. There are good opportunities to be had. The plan/strategies often aren’t what fails Nokia, it’s the world’s worst execution that gets them.

Nokia’s comeback can’t be fairly judged until we’re into the second cycle of products later this year based on Tango – and perhaps even the third, based on Apollo. Elop has already halved the time it takes for Nokia to make a smartphone, simply by shifting to Windows.

The article ends saying there isn’t room for this third ecosystem. Yet that third ecosystem continues to grow and blossom. Ecosystem consisting not just of apps but the rest of Microsoft’s offerings. Success for Nokia relies on a domino of success of MS’s assets. Continued success of Xbox, Office, Skype, Hotmail, Windows (and other MS products) could mean a very strong ecosystem for Nokia’s Lumia range.

Even if the MS based ecosystem succeeds, it does not immediately guarantee Nokia’s. For one, Nokia’s got strong competition from Samsung – the king of adaptation. If Samsung sniffs success/competition they’ll surely mould themselves around Windows to snuff Nokia out. This is the kind of action Nokia could have and should have done to the upstart iOS and then Android – but of course, in Nokia’s eyes touch screens weren’t going anywhere, right?

What does Nokia need to do? Just focus on producing the best devices and make sure we’re not waiting months and months to buy them. Can they do it? Yes. But each day we wait for Nokia’s hero device is another day that arrow leans closer towards NO.

Source: theregister

Thanks everyone who sent this in!


Category: Nokia

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