

Lumiappaday #221: First Great Western demoed on the Nokia Lumia 900

| June 23, 2012 | 1 Reply

I’ve shown a couple of train apps already, and didn’t think I’d need another but First Great Western (FGW) is awesome. It takes a lot from Rail Planner and into one app. BTW this is free.

You can buy tickets with this app, some of which can be e-tickets (as barcodes) or you can collect them from the station.

This is useful for checking train times, especially the feature which lets you see precisely where the train is, whether it’s at a station, delayed, on time or already passed it. I find this helps when I’m on the train itself just to check the progress of the journey. The only thing missing really is to pin a journey to the start screen.

#221) First Great Western 

Price:  Free



Developer Blurb:

 This app allows you to search train times, view platform and delay information and purchase train tickets for journeys with First Great Western and most other rail journeys in Britain.


Design: 9

Usability: 9

Performance: 9 

Price: 10


Category: Applications, Lumiappaday, Nokia, Windows Phone

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