

RIM eyeing up Windows Phone 8 for future BlackBerry devices, abandon BB10?

| June 29, 2012 | 79 Replies


BlackBerry makers RIM wanted to go it alone with QNX and BB10. However, today we hear that they’ve met yet another delay and are pushing back BB10 for ‘Early’ 2013 (Remember what ‘early 2011’ was for PR2?. Yikes. Well, that’s better for WP8 for two reasons. It’s already hard enough with the current competitors and secondly, because RIM might be considering going WP too.

Reuters reports that WP8 might be an option now for RIM, possibly dropping BB10 too instead of having WP8 concurrently. RIM could also get Microsoft to buy a stake in the company for ‘marketing and other expenses’. That option is not the most ideal for RIM apparently because it could mean the end of their independence. RIM’s board however would prefer to stick to developing BB10.

It was previously rumoured before that both Nokia and Microsoft would combine to purchase RIM, but that is not discussed.

What effect would RIM WP8 devices have on Nokia Lumia?BTW  Did you know that BlackBerry are making ‘Nseries’ devices now? Nseries with Qt…from RIM…hmm…

Cheers Jonas, Zipa and others for the tip!


Category: Nokia, Windows Phone

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