

Only a minority of consumer features seen so far in WP8.

| July 3, 2012 | 0 Comments


As hoped by many of you out there, WP8 will have more consumer features than what we saw at WP8’s launch. That WP8 preview event was targeted towards developers, not consumers. It’s new features and hardware range certainly began filling in some long exposed gaps, but there was still much in the way that you guys mentioned it could be improved.

Pocket-Link speaks with Windows Phone’s Product Manager, Greg Sullivan who says:

Of the end-user consumer visible features and capabilities, we showed a minority of features at the event

That raises the hope that some of the ‘missed features’ you guys discussed in in several hundreds of comments may still make it in to the final release, especially at least for Nokia’s devices.

Why not detail consumer features?

This release has a significant amount of new functionality for developers and IT pros in particular, and because of the planning cycles involved in getting them the information they need to take advantage of the release when it hits, we thought it was important to confirm and prepare them. Which is partly why we didn’t detail all the consumer features…

…You have to balance it. We aren’t vertically integrated like Apple, we have a host of partners we work with, a developer eco-system to think about

Good to hear that there are more features to come, not only to have more user end features but also it should make the official WP8 launch (hopefully close to new WP8 Lumia release) more exciting and not ‘oh, we already know about all this’.

Sullivan also goes on to explain why, yet again, MS reset their mobile strategy.

Source: pocket-lint Via:  Engadget


Category: Nokia, Windows Phone

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