

MNB RG: Jolla established by Nokia’s bridge project

| July 9, 2012 | 0 Comments

Earlier today we had a post covering some info about Jolla Mobile. There was a video interview with Jolla’s CEO which Muerte translates below.


  • – Jolla was established by Nokia’s bridge project (most likely IPR transfered as well)
  • – Fruitful co-operation in both ways (Jolla-Nokia)
  • – They are an independent company
  • – They are here to create something new in terms of user experience and technology. Something significant. They want to be the leaders, not followers.
  • – Devices coming this year (they will announce only things that they can deliver)
  • – Production in Asia (most likely, doesn’t reveal who are the partners) via ODM partners.
  • – Surprised by the massive global interest after saturday
  • – Thankful to Nokia
  • – They aim to be truly big in the next few years (as he sees that in ten years this industry is so different/it doesn’t exist in the way it is today, nobody can forecast the change)
  • – They are not trying to be “the new Nokia”

Janne said:

Jolla was established in Nokia’s Bridge program and the guys at Jolla are very thankful to Nokia for it. For those that don’t know, the Bridge program is a Nokia sponsored entrepreneurship program that aims to encouraging and helping people leaving Nokia to build a business for themselves. Nokia also has a long history of sponsoring entrepreneurship around products and projects that they themselves are not going to continue, apparently now MeeGo falling under this category as well.

This is surprisingly impressive social responsibility from Nokia and the management that thus far has been claimed to be on a killing spree of all things non-Microsoft. Apparently Nokia have now, through this program, actually sponsored the MeeGo spin-off at Jolla.

Kudos to both Nokia and Jolla for this impressive feat!

Cheers Janne for the tip and Muerte for the translation!



Category: Jolla, Nokia

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