

Wired on the Nokia 808 PureView: Best images of any smartphone but still no fan of Symbian…

| July 10, 2012 | 0 Comments


Here’s Wired’s review on the Nokia 808 PureView. As expected there are polar extremes from the absolute praise for the camera and the utter disappointment/frustration with the rest of the phone, calling it ‘agonizing everything else’. Their advice/wish pretty much like every other review is to see PureView in Lumia. I don’t think Belle FP1 is that bad, I think it’s actually quite decent. But expectations have risen again for the smartphone user experience and for some reason, these reviewers don’t think it cuts it.

However, let’s reiterate the point that the Nokia 808 PureView has its target market. The super camera phone enthusiast. It fills its niche better than no other device and for those consumers, there’s no better phone for them to have other than the 808. Until a Lumia PureView arrives (which should bring an overall ‘fuller’ package in terms of super fluid, integrated smartphone user experience) for a larger target audience, the 808 is the way to go. Even then, the 808 might likely still be the best CAMERA PHONE money can buy. It’s just that the Lumia PureView will be able to target a wider audience.

Thanks Bob for the tip!


Category: Nokia, Symbian

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