

Nokia 808 PureView and Symbian – Worth its salt

| July 18, 2012 | 0 Comments

Matthew Miller, ex Nokia blogger (from Nokia Experts) and current writer for ZDNet, wrote an article last week about the Nokia 808 PureView where he basically gave up on Symbian.

After using the Nokia 808 PureView for the last week, I have to say it is time for me to throw in the towel and give up on Symbian. It’s a real shame too since the 808 PureView is the absolute BEST camera phone available today. However, if I can’t reliably receive my email, struggle to browse websites, and be forced to give up apps I use every day on other platforms then there is no way I can justify the nearly $800 ($699 plus $70 in tax) for me to purchase this from Amazon.

It’s not like Matthew Miller isn’t an expert of Symbian to know or misrepresent its virtues. In that post, he’s clearly had enough. After that conclusion what seemingly foolish thing did he do? Well he bought his own Nokia 808 PureView! After playing with the best camera phone in the world, how could he pass it up?

He’s warmed again to his early frustrations with Symbian:

 After several more days with it, I have to say the $760 I spent was worth it and I am really loving the device…While I do enjoy the convenience of many apps and services, Symbian still gets the essentials right and cuts to the chase.

Cheers Tiv for the tip!


Category: Nokia, Symbian

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